Friday, June 24, 2011

Bricks completed, Eaves completed and Plaster Sheets in!!!

Bricks have been completed. There has been a little issue with the brick colour under the window sills. We think the Bricky might have been colour blind because they are red not brown. Its been raised,  Henely are looking into it.But no excuse will be good enough for me it needs to be replaced.

Boris has been out to finish the eaves at the front of the house and the alfresco. Great job mate. Always a good thing having a mate on site. He will be back probably in around 3 weeks to install the window arcs and skirting to certain room.

Photo's of the inside just before plaster with the Batt's installed.
 Don't Worry Dave, This was taken before I used my own initiative complete the sound batt's in all the spots they forgot. Why they would leave those sections without Batts's is beyond me. There was plenty more places inside the Theatre room that i completed properly too.

Plaster sheets were put up today, Next week they should be all stopped and cornices installed. The following week the cabinets are scheduled to be installed. We seen the cabinet maker on site and had a bit of a chat seems like a nice enough guy. Sorry about the poor photos the lighting was terrible. Ill get some better shots tomorrow...

Cables are now installed

Sorry its been a little while. I have been busy installing cables and getting everything right prior to plaster install. Plaster actually went in today, I'll post those pictures shortly.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things are moving along..

Things seem to be moving along quiet well. Bricks are around 80% complete, Boris was down there over the weekend putting in a few extra studs on some load bearing walls for piece of mind and creating a niche in the hallway for Mel 

I was putting in extra noggins for mounting speakers in theatre room and TV's on other internal walls. 

Electricians had been out yesterday and roughed in all there wiring. Plumbers have been in today running more pipe work for toilets, showers, sinks etc.

All network,TV,Foxtel.HDMI and speaker cables to be ran Saturday by my cable guy, Laz, Drew and myself. There are a fair few to be ran.

Roof tiles 99% complete. 3 Tiles we have found have cracks that will be replaced.

Please enjoy the pics.

Steve and Mel